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What methods of payment are accepted?


When will my card be charged?

Your card will be charged once the transaction is confirmed.

Is there a charge to use this service?

Yes, there is a non-refundable fee for each transaction. Fees payable for Parking Notices are $1.10 for APS Notices are $1.50.

What is the refund policy?

Refunds are managed by the business unit that issued your ticket. Please note that the handling fee is non-refundable.

I lost my Ticket Number, how can I make a payment?

Please contact information 905-546-2489 for assistance.

I did not get an email receipt even thought I entered my email address can you resend it?

Please check any Spam or Junk folders as it may be redirected there. If one is not found, it may be that the email address was entered incorrectly. You can contact

905-546-2489 for assistance.

How is the information I provide online used and stored?

The credit card information is solely used for the payment transaction. The first and the last 4 digits of the credit card are stored to support any dispute case. The rest of the information is not stored.

City of Hamilton

71 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario
L8P 4Y5


